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Green Standards coming in ISO 14030

By Colin McNamara
October 15, 2022
1 min read
Green Standards coming in ISO 14030

What is ISO 14030 Part 3?

ISO 14030 is an international standard that establishes methods for calculating product and service energy and carbon footprints. Part 3 of the standard, in particular, focuses on data collection and calculation methodologies.

Part 3 provides a consistent framework for measuring products and services’ energy and carbon footprints. This will allow businesses to compare and contrast the environmental impacts of different products and services and make informed decisions about which ones to use.

How Part 3 Is Used

There are two primary ways in which Part 3 is used:

  1. To calculate the energy footprint of a product or service. This includes all energy used throughout the life cycle of the product or service, from raw material extraction to manufacturing to transportation to end-of-life disposal.
  2. To calculate the carbon footprint of a product or service. This includes all emissions of greenhouse gases throughout the life cycle of the product or service, from raw material extraction to manufacturing to transportation to end-of-life disposal.

In both cases, the goal is to provide accurate, consistent data that can be used to compare and contrast the environmental impacts of different products and services. This will allow businesses to make informed decisions about which ones to use.

Key takeaways

ISO 14030 Part 3 is essential to the ISO 14030 standard for calculating product and service energy and carbon footprints. It provides a consistent framework for measuring the environmental impacts of different products and services, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about which ones to use.




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Colin McNamara

Colin McNamara

AI Innovation Leader & Supply Chain Technologist


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