What I would like to share today is a video guide on how to properly create a Unified Computing System (UCS) Bill of Materials (BOM), and how to route that BOM into the appropriate ordering system.
You may notice that I am using a tool called Netformx. You may ask - since this is a Cisco product, why aren’t we using the Dynamic Configuration Tool or the MultiLine Configurator? The answer that was given to me was that UCS requires a bottom up configuration. It requires that you start with the type and number of systems, and then work your way up to the amount of Chassis, FEX’s, links and Fabric Interconnects that are required. All of the workflows in Cisco’s existing tools require a top down approach. Until the new configuration workspace is released from Cisco, Netformx is your only option to quote any UCS product.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this walk through. If you found this helpful, please feel free to leave a comment or ping me on twitter.
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